MFSC Data Elements
MFSC Data Elements
Below is a list of the MFSC Data Elements for Fiscal Year 2021.
We realize you can’t get every data element on every resident. Residents do not have to be asked every question, but we do encourage service coordinators to gather applicable data elements on participating residents. For the data elements that you are not able to gather, the answers of "Information Not Collected" or "Not Applicable" are perfectly acceptable on the SfS report.
For further information, click on the data element.
General Resident Information
This is a unique random code for each resident.
This code is sent to HUD to ensure the resident’s information remains “De-Identified.”
Use the same code for each resident from year-to-year.
inForm/Excel – create a code for each resident that does not contain any identifiable information. For example, U4321467 (we recommend using only 1 letter, as too many letters could be perceived as the resident’s initials)
Do not use a code like: SMITH304 - this shows identifying information, it would be perceived to be the resident’s name and unit number. This file would be sent back to be corrected.
AASC Online/FamilyMetrics – This code is auto generated each time a resident is added to the system.
Personal Identifier
This is a unique code that is sent to HUD to link the residents in the same household.
Do not use any identifying information such as last name to ensure it is “De-identified.”
Use the same code for each household from year-to-year.
For elderly residents in senior housing, it is fine to use the Personal Identifier and place an “H” after it. Since most elderly residents either live alone or when two residents live in a unit, they are both adult head of households, this value is not as essential to link the household (like it is with family housing with dependents). For example, if the resident ID is U4321467, the household ID can be U4321467H.
InForm/Excel – create a unique Household Identifier. If there are dependents in the Household, use the same code for the dependents. SfS does not currently collect data on resident under 16 years old.
AASC Online/FamilyMetrics – This code is auto generated
Household Identifier
A Participant:
Interacts with the SC
Does an annual assessment with the SC to identify needs, goals, interests, abilities, etc.
Attends SC programs and events
To be a participant, the resident does not have to have an entire assessment or a formal assessment complete, but there should be resident engagement and interaction and any needs should have a case management/follow up plan.
A Non-Participant does not participate in any services.
They could have opted-out of the SC program
They may never talk to the SC and be non-responsive to outreach attempts
They may come to an occasional social event - but they are not really a Participant in the SC program
Use your best discretion with residents that you are not sure about. There is no right or wrong answer for residents that are questionable, and you can change this status as needed.
inForm – if marked as a Non-Participant the rest of the information can be left blank
Excel – if marked as a Non-Participant the rest of the information can be left blank
AASC Online – resident is automatically a participant, unless marked a Non-Participant
FamilyMetrics – MFSC – resident is automatically a participant, unless marked a Non-Participant
Participant vs. Non-Participant
This is the date the resident first moved onto the property. For the MFSC program, the resident’s eligibility for services starts the day they move in, so use the move in date.
InForm/Excel – Enter the date and use the same date each year for residents that remain on the property.
AASC Online/FamilyMetrics – this will automatically be the residents move in date. It will carry over year to year.
Intake Date/Service Start Date (Move in Date)
This is the number of years the resident has lived in subsidized housing or the number of years they have lived on the property they currently reside.
Since the SC usually only knows the number of years a resident has lived on the property for which they are reporting, this answer is acceptable.
InForm/Excel – Enter the value, and for residents that remained on the property, advance this value by one from year-to-year.
AASC Online/FamilyMetrics – this is pulled from the move in date field and auto calculated. For residents that remain on the property, the number of years will automatically advance.
Years in Subsidized Housing
Demographic Information
inForm – For residents that remained on the property change the age each year to advance one.
Excel – For residents that remained on the property change the age each year to advance one.
AASC Online/FamilyMetrics – This is calculated form the birthdate field. For residents that remain on the property, the age will automatically advance each year.
Head of Household
For elderly properties, all adults on the lease can be marked as Head of Household. They are considered Co-Heads.
For Family Sites, mark at least one of the residents as the Head of Household. More can be marked, as a Co-Head, but make sure at least one is marked.
Resident Census Track
For MFSC Housing, this only needs to be looked up once, since all the residents will live on site and in the same Census Track.
For AASC Online and FamilyMetrics users, the software is integrated with the census track and this will be taken care of for each site upon setting up the property to report to HUD. This will then automatically be added to each residents.
For inForm and Excel Users, the below link is how the census track can be located. Once the number is located, it needs to be entered for each resident.
Veteran Status
Highest Level of Education
Employment Status
This data element should reflect the most recent employment status. Employment status can change over the course of the reporting year, so use the Individual’s employment status during the prior month. An individual is considered "employed" if he or she did any work for pay during the last month even for just for a few hours). This does not include volunteering. Employment or looking for employment should only reflect employment where an wage is earned.
If an individual is retired, the below option can be used:
3 = Not employed at any time in the last month and not actively seeking work.
Household Annual Gross Income
This is the total income for the entire household. For elderly housing, each resident’s income can be entered separately.
For Family Housing sites, combine all the income sources for each resident and report the total number.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
If the resident is receiving SNAP Assistance, mark this as YES.
If they are on a waiting list, or have applied, do not mark this as YES.
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
If the resident is receiving SSI Assistance, mark this as YES.
If they are on a waiting list, or have applied, do not mark this as YES.
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)
If the resident is receiving SSDI Assistance, mark this as YES.
If they are on a waiting list, or have applied, do not mark this as YES.
Health & Wellbeing
Disability Status
You do not have to directly ask your resident this question. But if the resident would like assistance with benefits they can get because they have a disability, they may disclose it to you.
If the resident disclose they have a disability, mark yes here only if they have a a disability as defined by the American with Disabilities Act. This does not include age related disabilities or alignments, such as hearing loss that may come with aging.
Disability Category
If yes was marked in the above questions, then mark the type of disability category the resident has:
Impairment is primarily physical, including mobility and sensory impairments.
Impairment is primarily mental, including cognitive and learning impairments.
Impairment is both physical and mental
If the above answer was not marked YES, this can be entered as Not Applicable.
Disability Requires Assistance
If Yes was marked for the resident having an ADA Disability, does that disability require assistance? Mark the most appropriate answer:
The disabled individual requires services to manage home activities.
The disabled individual does not require services for home management.
The disabled individual was not assessed for this criteria.
If the above answer was not marked YES, this can be entered as Not Applicable.
Does the resident need assistance with any Activities of Daily Living?
If so, enter the total number of Activities of Daily Living listed below that the residents need assistance with:
Ambulation/Locomotion - Needs hands on/personal care assistance services walking around their apartment, getting from room to room, going outdoors (yard, deck, garage).
Bathing - Needs hands on/personal care assistance services washing or cleaning more than one body part (face, body, and hair) in the bath or shower.
Dressing - Needs hands on/personal care assistance services with applying and removing clothes on the upper or lower body
Feeding/Eating - Needs hands on/personal care assistance services getting food from the plate to one's mouth
Grooming - Needs hands on/personal care assistance services with hygiene tasks such as hair care, shaving, brushing teeth, or other appearance tasks.
Toileting - Needs hands on/personal care assistance services with getting on and off toilet, using the toilet appropriately and/or cleaning oneself. Is partially or totally incontinent of bowel or bladder.
Transferring - Needs hands on/personal care assistance services being able to move from one body position to another. Needs help moving between surfaces such as bed to chair, or into a wheelchair. This can also include the ability to stand up from a bed or chair in order to grasp a walker or other assistive device.
The MFSC Program no longer requires 25% of the residents on the property to have 1 or more ADL for the property to have a HUD funded SC.
Activities of Daily Living (ADL) Count
Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) Count
Does the resident need assistance with any Instrumental Activities of Daily Living?
If so, enter the total number of Instrumental Activities of Daily Living listed below that the residents need assistance with:
Ability to Use Phone/Operate Phone Equipment - Needs assistance operating telephone for phone calls only (if resident does not have a home phone and only uses a cell phones, this should only be checked if they need help making/receiving calls (looking up phone numbers and dialing) - this does not include using cell phone apps, accessing internet, etc.).
Handling Personal Finances - Needs help writing checks, paying bills, managing day to day purchases. Resident is incapable of handling personal finances. Do not check this if the resident is capable of making small day to day purchases, but only needs assistance with larger purchases, banking, or going to the bank.
Housekeeping/Laundry - Needs assistance with heavy housework (cleaning) and light housework (washing dishes, making bed). Needs assistance with laundry. Needs help with small home maintenance tasks.
Medication Management - Needs assistance taking medications correctly. This included needing assistance with correct dosages and times. Needs assistance dispensing one’s medications.
Preparing Meals - Needs assistance planning, preparing, getting adequate ingredients for one’s meals. Needs assistance heating and serving meals. Needs to have meals prepared and served.
Shopping - Needs to be accompanied on shopping trips for necessities such as personal care items. Completely unable to shop.
Transportation - Needs assistance with arranging transportation, such as taxi or medical transportation. Needs assistance traveling from place to place, must be accompanied.
Adult Personal Assistance Services
Is the resident receiving personal assistance services for any of the ADLs or IADLs marked above? Personal assistance services include things like In Home Care/Support Services, Personal Care Assistant, Community Home Provider, or other Adult Day Services.
If so, enter the total number of ADLs and IALDs the resident has services for.
For example, if the resident has 4 ADLs and IALDs combined, and they are receiving services for all of them, enter 4 here. If the resident was only receiving services for 2 of the ADLs and IADLs, enter 2 here. This number should not be more than the total combined ADLs and IADLs the resident has marked in the above two questions.
Primary Health Care Provider
Does the resident have a personal primary health care provider (a general doctor, a specialist doctor, nurse practitioner or physician’s assistant)?
Heath Coverage
Does the resident have health care provided by any of the flowing sources?
1 = Yes, covered through employer or union (current or former)
2 = Yes, purchased insurance from insurance company
3 = Medicare
4 = Medicaid/Medical Assistance
5 = TRICARE or other military health care
6 = VA health care
7 = Indian Health Service
8 = Other health insurance or health coverage plan
If not, enter “No coverage”
Medical Examination Status
Did the resident receive a routine medical examination within the last 12 months? This includes well-baby visit, well-child visit, well-woman visit, physical exam performed by a health care provider and annual wellness visit covered through Medicare.
Emergency Room / Hospital Visit
Did the resident visit ER or a hospital in the past reporting period?
If so, enter the total number of Emergency Room Visits or Hospital Visits during the reporting period. This includes both planned and unplanned hospital visits.
Substance Abuse Treatment
Do not directly ask your resident if they have a substance abuse problem and need assistance? If the resident discloses that they have a problem, mark it here and you can help provide a treatment program.
Or if the individual is being treated by a medical professional or a treatment facility for substance abuse or dependence and they disclose it to you, you can mark it here.
Substance abuse is defined as a maladaptive (i.e., harmful to a person's life) pattern of substance use marked by recurrent and significant negative consequences related to the repeated use of substances. These substances may be legal, such as alcohol, or an illicit drug such as hashish, cocaine hallucinogens, heroin, or prescription–type drug used non-medically.
Services Interactions
Below is a list of service interaction types that can be recorded on the SfS report. We realize that not every service you deliver will be listed below and that is why the service type of “Service Coordination” is a catch all for all of your service interactions. Your total service interactions with the resident should be listed under the data element Service Coordination. Then, if they also happen to fall into another service listing, they can also be recorded there. For instance, if you link a resident to a meal service, this would count today as your total service interactions under the Service Coordination data element, and also should be marked as Food / Nutrition service interaction. If the service interaction does not fall under a specific category, for example, Monitoring Services or Isolation Intervention, this interaction can be captured in the Service Coordination total. It does not have an appropriate sub service listing, so it does not need to be recorded anywhere else. Please do not feel like you have to force a service into a category that does not describe it just to get credit. The “Catch All” of Service Coordination will captured all of your interactions, even if they don’t have a subcategory that represents them.
Service Coordination
This is the place to record the total number of service interactions with the resident during the reporting period.
Service Coordinator Service Interactions Include:
Individual Services (One-on-One Service Interactions such as when doing assessments, linking to benefits, or even calling about benefits on behalf of a resident, etc.)
Group Events and Services such as Transportation Shuttles for grocery shopping, meal bag distributions, etc.
Program Attendance for Health and Educational programs such as Senior Sneakers, Blood Pressure Clinics, etc.
Do not include resident outreach in the total service coordination count. For example, newsletters, flyers, etc. should not be counted in this category. Handing a resident a flyer is not the same as interacting to provide a service, thus should not be included in the service count to make sure data is accurate and consistent.
A future data element will allow SCs to count Outreach as a separate category, but for now, please do not include it here.
Outreach such as new resident contact, checking in on a resident, encourage a resident to enroll in a program can be included. Just don’t include mass communication as an outreach such as handling out newsletters, flyers, community calendars, etc.
Need Assessment
Did the resident receive an assessment with the SC this past year to determine if they had any needs?
This does not have to be an entire assessment or a formal assessment but a proactive approach to resident engagement, and interacting with the resident to understanding if they have any current needs.
To have an interaction be considered an Assessment, you don’t have to ask every resident every SfS question!
You know your residents best and the best way to communicate with them to get the information from them that will help them get the support they need.
Use the data collection and assessment process to build relationships, not to annoy your residents with unnecessary questions.
Don’t ask questions you think will alienate or offend a certain resident.
Get what data you can in a natural process with your resident - but don’t make residents run when they see you because they think you will ask them a ton of noisy questions!
We need your expertise in helping advancing this effort but use your best discretion when working with each resident to get data and information that can help them and the industry.
Independent Living Service: Disabled / Frail Received Services
If a resident falls into either of these categories:
They have 3 or more ADLs (Frail)
They have a disability as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Enter the total number of services you provided for the resident here. This should be the same number that is in the Service Coordination total.
English as a Second Language (ESL)
Was the resident enrolled in or referred to and English as a Second Language program?
English as a Second Language is the use of English by speakers with different native languages. ESL instruction reduces language barriers that can preclude meaningful access by LEP persons to important government programs, services, and employment. This may take the form of classes or one-on-one tutoring.
Financial Account Assistance
Was the resident assisted with credit activities or to create a financial account (savings/ checking), FSS escrow, Individual Development Account?
Fair Housing and Civil Rights Assistance
Did the resident receive services or participated in programs that promotes racially, ethnically, and economically diverse communities and integrated living patterns and avoid patterns where persons are forced to live in high poverty areas, or in areas suffering from a lack of accessible services, or a lack of integration in terms of income, race, or ethnicity, or disability status?
Tax Preparation
Did the resident receive tax preparation services?
Tax preparation services include assistance with obtaining information about low- or no-cost tax preparation services; arranging no-cost tax preparation services at the property; assistance with organizing tax documents, paperwork, and other supporting materials for individuals; and assistance with preparing and/or filing of senior/disabled age/income-based specific tax rebates including property tax rebate programs and/or food sales tax rebate programs. These services may be provided by an IRS Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) center or a reputable (not refund-anticipation loan-type) private service. This does not include the use of tax software by individuals unless facilitated by the PHA or a partner.
Financial Education Assistance
Did the resident participate in financial literacy, budgeting or credit education activities?
Legal Assistance
Did the resident receive legal assistance in civil or criminal matters?
Legal assistance includes receiving legal aid or counsel as well as participating in community legal clinics. Counsel includes providing basic information on services such as end of life decision making, advanced directives, or wills.
Legal Assistance Type
If the resident received legal assistance, as denoted above, enter the type of assistance they received:
1 = Will preparation, advanced directives, end of life decisions
2 = ID theft and credit Issues
3 = Foreclosure prevention
4 = Eviction prevention
5 = Custody, divorce and child support
6= Fair housing assistance
7 = Assistance to victims of domestic violence
8 = Expunging criminal records
9 = Other
Pre-Housing Counseling
Prior to purchase or rental, was the resident counseled and/or received service related to buying a home or renting?
Post-Housing Counseling
After purchase or rental, was the resident counseled and/or received service related to renting, default, foreclosure avoidance, credit issues or reverse mortgages?
Food and Nutrition
Did the resident receive food and nutrition services to prevent and/or end a period of hunger or a period of malnutrition?
These services include participation the Women, Infant and children (WIC) nutrition program, in congregate meal sites such as Meals on Wheels programs, using emergency food programs and food banks, grocery shopping or cooking services or other means of access including family, friends, and individuals within the community, and receiving donated food items from community-based sources. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is not included. That is it’s own category and should be marked accordingly if the resident is enrolled in SNAP.
For the MFSC program, it only needs to be counted once if the resident is linked to a meals program. You don’t need to count each time a meal is distributed or each time a resident attends a congregate meal.
Conflict Resolutions
Did the resident receive counseling and/or other services related to conflict resolution?
Conflict resolution services include assistance to resolve conflict by helping to clarify, educate, mediate, and propose compromises or alternative solutions to parties who are contesting some mutual objectives. Conflict may be between individuals or between individuals and property management, service providers, or other parties. This includes court ordered participation.
Translation / Interpretation
Did a resident with no or limited English speaking ability or with hearing or visual impairments received translation or interpretation services through the program?
Housing Retention / Eviction Prevention
Did the resident receive housing retention assistance? This assistance includes Informing individuals of lease provisions and/or of behaviors/problems that could lead to lease violations, such as noise, odors, unsanitary or unsafe conditions in apartments (hoarding and clutter) or common areas? Activities can include assistance with eviction prevention; assistance with preparing, organizing and understanding documents for lease recertification; and assistance with apartment inspection compliance. Includes linking individuals with a member of the property management team for assistance with understanding their lease and house rules. Working with property management staff to provide reasonable accommodation as defined by 1973 Rehabilitation Act when an individual's mental, physical, or social disability is impeding compliance with the lease.
Life Skills / Household Skills
Did the resident participate in a course or training regarding household or life skills?
Transportation Assistance
Did the resident receive transportation services to participate in medical or other personal appointments, religious, social, or recreational activities?
This may include bus passes/tokens, rides in a service provider-owned van, arranging car pools, connecting to city/county special transportation opportunities, assistance with personal auto repair, etc.
Did the resident receive HIV/AIDS health and counseling services? Services include:
Human immunodeficiency virus infection/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) health and counseling services include access to treatment, financial assistance to pay for medication and medical tests, and assistance in securing housing.
Medical Care / Health
Was the resident referred to or linked with any medical or health care services to optimize and maintain physical health? The medical or health care services are provided by a physician, medical professional, credentialed nutritionist. Medical services also include dental services, home health services, receiving durable medical equipment and other adaptive equipment, prescription medication and medication management, dietary support, and lifeline programs.
Mental Health
Was the resident referred mental health services?
These services include being treated by credentialed psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists, and mental health counselors. Mental health services may be delivered in a one-on-one setting or in a group setting through therapeutic support groups. Prescription medication and medication management for mental health concerns are also considered mental health services.
Substance Abuse Treatment
Was the resident referred to substance abuse services?
These services include treatment for use of addictive substances such as tobacco, alcohol, drugs (prescription and street). Examples of treatment providers are the American Lung Association or other smoking cessation programs, physicians, mental health workers, alcohol and drug treatment facilities, and Alcoholics Anonymous (AA).
Transferring / Housing Placement Assistance
Was the resident provided assistance for permanent and/or temporary or short-term transfer to another property, a different unit within the property, or to an alternative care facility?
Or instance, was information and assistance provided to the resident and/or family members regarding temporary housing options? This includes assistance with a resident’s transition back to their apartment from short-term care facility or hospital.
Length of Stay / Turnover
Evictions Prevented
Was the resident at risk of an eviction this past reporting period?
This is best determined by whether the resident received any serious lease violation notices that could have resulted in an eviction (such as a non-payment of rent notice) or an actual eviction notice.
For inForm and Excel users:
If such a notice was given and the resident was not evicted, enter:
1 - Avoided an Eviction from a rental Property
For AASC Online and FamilyMetrics users, if a violation notice was entered in the system, and the resident was not evicted, this will be automatically populated for you.
Permanent Housing Placement / Move-Out Reason
Did the resident move out during the reporting period?
If so, enter one of the below move out reasons:
Another Apartment
Group Home
Higher Level of Care
Permanent Housing Placement / Move-Out Date / Service End Date
Did the resident move out during the reporting period?
If so, enter the date the resident moved.